We choose our friends because of . . . our shared genetic code?

Friends tend to have shared DNAimageimagehttp://www.upworthy.com/the-scientific-reason-someone-befriends-you-might-freak-you-out-just-a-bit?c=upw1

I wasn’t prepared for the scientific discovery described in the video linked above–that we choose our friends on the basis of our shared genetic material–particularly the DNA associated with the sense of smell. Although science seems to embrace this idea, I remain skeptical because of the large circle of racially diverse friends I have. 

The video also has another interesting finding–evolution appears to speed up among friends with shared DNA. I found the video interesting and think it would be worth your while to take a look at it.

3 thoughts on “We choose our friends because of . . . our shared genetic code?

  1. Interesting! Maybe it’s down to a few discreet genes that are mostly shared by people who have a lot of genetic common ground, but occasionally also match up between otherwise genetically diverse groups? More likely, genetic similarity causes a slight predisposition towards genetically similar people, but the major determinant of whether you’re friends or not still comes down to the usual things like shared interests or humour.

    I do have to wonder…who were the participants in this study? Most people’s friendship groups are majorly determined simply by who lives near them. In a lot of smaller towns and cities with low migration, people who have lived nearby for multiple generations probably have some ancestors in common with one another.


  2. Thank you for commenting! The fact that a geneticist found the article interesting validated the belief of a practitioner of environmental law.

    I also had the same question you did about the size and location of the study area. As an attorney in Appalachia where there is little diversity of any kind and very little generational movement, as a rule, (the kissing cousin stereotype) would most certainly produce the results contained in the study’s conclusion. As I read the article, I had the city of Washington, D.C., in mind where, during the relatively short time it took for me to complete my coursework and publish my thesis in connection with my L.L.M. At George Washington University, I saw numerous acquaintances move into or out of the area, drawn there mostly because of their positions with lobbying groups, PACs, politicians and executive agencies (all who tend to change jobs frequently).

    If you happen to run across any further research that validates or refutes the conclusions in the study discussed in this post, could you send the abstracts to me at terryclarke@outlook.com?

    Thanks again for your insightful comments.


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